While some people might be hesitant to go RVing with a dog, doing so has many benefits. For starters, dogs are very social animals and enjoy being around people. If you’re planning on taking your dog with you on a trip, it’s important to know what to expect and how to make sure your pet stays safe and healthy during your travels.
There are a few things to keep in mind.
Find a Safe Spot for Your Dog to Ride
If you have a small dog, you’ll want to keep them on your lap or in a crate that fits securely in the passenger seat. With larger dogs, it’s best to have them in their seat, so they’re not tempted to jump around while you’re driving and distracted by their surroundings. If you don’t have a crate or other enclosure, at least make sure that your pup has its own space where it won’t be able to distract you while driving.
Make Sure They Have Enough Space in The Vehicle for Exercise and Playtime
Bringing along your dog doesn’t mean that they need less exercise. Being cooped up in an RV all day can be stressful for them! Make sure that there are plenty of safe and secure places for them to run around while you’re driving and when you set up camp at night so they can get their energy out before bedtime. This will also help keep the wear on your carpet or flooring while parked overnight!
Make Sure Your Dog Is Comfortable in an RV
Before you take your dog out with a rental RV, they must be familiar with life on the road. If this isn’t something they’re used to, they may feel stressed or anxious during the drive (and who knows how they’ll react when you stop). So, take some time to train them with short trips around town first so they can get used to being in an RV. Once your furry friend has settled into life on the road, it’s time to plan your route!
Consider Other Pets That Might Be Traveling with You as Well
While dogs are often allowed in campgrounds, cats typically aren’t because they tend to roam and hunt other animals in the wild (including small rodents). This doesn’t mean that cats can’t come along on a camping trip — keep them inside your camper or trailer at all times when they’re not inside their carrier or cage!
Know Your Breed and What They Need
Some dogs are more suited for RV life than others. Smaller breeds tend to do better in smaller spaces, as do breeds that don’t mind being confined at times, like Chihuahuas. When RVing with a dog, some large dogs need exercise every day, or they can become destructive, but many large breeds adapt well to being cooped up without much exercise. A good rule of thumb is if you have doubts about whether your dog would be happy in an RV, wait to bring them along until you know they will enjoy it!
Get Her Used to Her New Home Before You Leave
The first step is getting your dog used to being inside your rental RV. This could take anywhere from one day to several weeks, depending on how quickly she adjusts and how long you intend to stay at each stop along the way when RVing with a dog. Start by taking her on short town trips before venturing into unfamiliar territory and new experiences. The goal is to get her comfortable inside an enclosed space, so she doesn’t feel confined or scared while traveling down the road.
It would help if you always considered your dog’s needs when planning for RV trips. If you’re moving to an area where the climate is different from what they are used to, give them time to adapt to the new environment before taking off on an extended RV trip. Ensure they are provided with adequate rest and exercise opportunities along the way and be careful to keep them from sitting in a parked vehicle for too long. Finally, avoid intense exercise before bedtime or lengthy car rides, which can strain their joints and muscles due to their unique body structure.